Game Guidebook
Signing-Up for Tuesday/Thursday Play
We use Golf Genius to schedule weekly play. You will receive two Golf Genius emails (via coordinator Michelle Harrah) each week inviting you to play; one email for Tuesday play and one for Thursday play.
Want to play? Simply respond via the Golf Genius email, by the deadline, that you want to play.
Tuesday Sign-Up Deadline: The preceding Sunday by 3 pm
Thursday Sign-Up Deadline: The preceding Tuesday by 3 pm
Can't or don't want to play that particular day? Simply ignore the email; no need to respond.
Roster & Assigned Tee-Times
About 24 hours prior to play, members who have signed up to play will receive an email with the roster of players and assigned tee-times. Please arrive at least 1/2 hour prior to your tee-time.
Signing up is a commitment to fellow golfers that you will be there to play, and our members take that commitment to heart. We also know that emergencies come up when we least expect them. If you need to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances, let Dianne know as soon as you can.
Contact Dianne Elliott, Golf Genius Coordinator. She is happy to answer any questions you may have!
Scorekeeping & Handicap Information
Keeping score benefits all golfers, regardless of their level of play. It serves as a benchmark from which they can learn about their game, improve, and track their progress. It’s also a rule of golf and incumbent upon each of us to keep and post all our scores during OGA’s official season of play from March 1 through November 30.
Tuesday & Thursday Play – Official Scorekeeping
One person from each grouping/foursome will keep the official scorecard for the round. All golfers will report their score to that person at the end of each hole, once you arrive at the next hole. (Pace of play tip!)
Keep your own scorecard as well, so you can attest at the end of the round, that the scorekeeper has your correct score. You will also need to post your score on GHIN for handicapping purposes. Be sure to post the same day!
The scorekeeper is responsible for submitting the official scorecard to the Handicap Committee by placing it in the Ladies’ Club official scorecard box located in the Tri-Mountain lobby.
Handicap Information
The Handicap System is the very best method for golfers to compete equitably on any course with others of differing abilities. As a member of the OGA, TMLGC must follow all rules and regulations associated with scoring, posting and handicapping.
Please visit our Handicap Information page for more information about scoring, posting and handicapping.
Rules & Pace of Play
Rules of Golf
TMLGC plays by the USGA Rules of Golf.
Download the free USGA Rules of Golf app for iOS and Android devices. The app contains the Rules of Golf and Clarifications plus many additional features including videos, diagrams, FAQs, quizzes and more!
New from USGA! Free Rules 101 online course to learn the basics about the rules every golfer should know.
Pace of Play
Pace of Play is considered one of the most important rules of golf etiquette. Good pace of play is a shared responsibility and increases everyone's enjoyment of the game.
At Tri-Mountain Golf Course the pace of play is 2 hours and 10 minutes per 9 holes. Golfers should complete an 18-hole round in 4 hours and 20 minutes.
We have dedicated a Pace of Play page with information, tips, and videos to assist our members with this important aspect of the game. Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions!
Game of the Week
Game of the Week is a fun and sometimes challenging competition. Each week there will be a different 9-hole game that you can opt into playing for $2. This is optional and would be paid cash to the clubhouse when you arrive for golf. Each week, winners split the pot and can use their winnings for purchases (green fees, food, merchandise) at Tri-Mountain Golf Course.
Your group will keep a game scorecard that will be separate from your regular round scorecard. At the end of your round, place the scorecard in the box labeled “Game of the Week”, located on the front table in the clubhouse. An email will be sent with winner information to all who participated in the game.
View the Game of the Week Schedule here and on the Ladies' Club bulletin board at Tri-Mountain.
Questions? Contact Cassie Johnson, Game of the Week Coordinator.
Opt-In Activities: Challenge Yourself / Chip-Ins, Birdies, Eagles / 32 Putts / Hole in One
Please note that you must buy-in to these season-long elective activities prior to your first TMLGC golf outing.
Challenge Yourself
An optional $5 per 9-hole buy-in, Challenge Yourself is a great way to track your improvement from the beginning to the end of the season.
Most-improved Challenge Yourself players will receive a cash prize at the end of the year.
Your first TMLGC score of the 2023 season will be used to start the Challenge. Simply record your initial hole-by-hole score (in pencil) on the Challenge Yourself form located on the Ladies' Club bulletin board in the Tri-Mountain lobby.
Each time you play, update the form with your improved hole scores (in pencil) and watch those numbers drop throughout the season!
Chip-Ins, Birdies, Eagles
An optional $5 buy-in for the season; track your chip-ins, birdies and eagles during TMLGC play.
Participants who get a chip-in, birdie, and/or eagle must log it on the Ladies' Club bulletin board and it must be attested to by a player from your group.
Cash prizes for winners at the end of the year!
18 holes Putts: 32 Club
An optional $5 buy-in for for the season to demonstrate and improve your putting skills!
If you get 32 putts or less per 18-hole round during TMLGC play record it on the bulletin board
Cash prizes are distributed at the end of the year
Hole-in-One Club
An optional $2 buy-in for the season.
Get a verified hole-in-one during TMLGC play and claim your payout!
Questions? Contact Cassie Johnson.